March 26, 2015: Commencement Speech at Wasada University Dept. of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering.
NTN'S SOGO DELIVERS COMMENCEMENT AT WASEDA UNIVERSITY TOKYO, JAPAN – In front of a crowd of graduates, parents and faculty, Tetsuya Sogo, CEO of NTN Americas Region, delivered the commencement address to the 2015 graduating class of Waseda University’s Department of Industrial & Management Systems Engineering on March 26, 2015, in Tokyo, Japan. “It is an honor to be asked to deliver the commencement address at your alma mater,” said Mr. Sogo, a 1982 graduate of Waseda. “I believe it is important to provide insights to new professionals that can help them see how the education they just received will be the foundation of a successful career.” Mr. Sogo focused his remarks on his experience in a global marketplace, and how the education he gained from the School of Creative Science & Engineering still helps him today. His main message, though, was that their education does not end with their graduation, they just need to change how they learn. “Students learn theory i...