July 22, 2022: Global Web Meeting on CFO Message 2022, NTN Europe & Africa region
July 22, 2022: Global Web Meeting on CFO Message 2022, NTN Europe & Africa region <July-August: Global Web Meeting on CFO Message> Since I have drafted “NTN Revitalization Scenario” at the beginning of 2019, I hold Global Web Meetings with our management executives in each region regarding my CFO Message for each fiscal year to make sure that the basic direction is clearly shared in all NTN Group. Even in a very tough management environment, as exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, a shortage of semiconductors, the situation in Ukraine and a surge in prices of raw materials, we have been steadily moving forward to revitalize NTN in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, while maintaining a course set forth in the NTN Revitalization Scenario. As a total NTN Group, we are on the right track !!